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Navigating leaders through change.
Inspiration through honest conversation.
Where are you on your Leadership Journey? Take the Assessment to find out! Take the Assessment!
It is such a pleasure to have you here.
Are you a leader who understands the importance of investing in yourself and your team?
Do you want to inspire your team with a bold vision and effective leadership?
Do you want access to the best tools, techniques and models to navigate through change?
At Inspired Purpose Partners, we are on a mission to elevate leaders and equip them with the tools to navigate through change. We guide leaders who are ready to be elevated, by clarifying their focus so they can transform their teams and step into their true potential.
Navigate through change
Tony Martignetti is a leadership coach with a specialty in working with leaders and their teams to navigate through change. Tony supports leaders in gaining clarity so they can make better decisions, improve their leadership skills and ultimately increase their impact.
When leaders unlock their potential and lead from a place of inspired purpose, they impact and inspire everyone around them. Tony is known for supporting them in finding clarity so that they are energized, unstoppable and lead with a strong presence. He uses a combination of proven leadership models, frameworks and thinking tools to achieve the best outcomes.
The Quest for Clarity is an experience that will allow you to gain clarity and move into action. This experience is for the high-performing professional going through a transition and is ready to take action. They have had success in the past but, they want to break out of old patterns and step into a role that will truly *light them up* and inspire them.
The Leader's Journey is an immersive experience that will allow you to dig deep into many areas of your personal and professional life. This experience is for the leader who is navigating through challenges, or they anticipate challenges on the horizon, and they are ready to take action.
The Bold Expedition is an immersive experience that will allow you to have a bigger organizational impact by including leaders in your organization. This experience is for the leader who wants to build a strongly connected organization and provide a clear vision and purpose to all stakeholders.

Ask more questions.

Start with self.

Take the leap.

Think, act and be positive
Stay Inspired!
Inspiration is at the core of everything. It's the fuel that drives people to do extraordinary things.
But what does it take to be an inspiring leader?
Check out my "7 Traits Of An Inspiring Leader" PDF download to become the leader who people want to follow!