Are You Ready To Begin Your Journey?
Climbing the right mountain will require you to get clear about what you want, who you want to be, and how to get there.
We rarely speak about how many people get to the top of the mountain only to realize they gave everything they had only to summit the wrong peak. If you are a leader who has had success in the past but feels unfulfilled and wants more out of life, then this is the right book for you.
If you want to have a more meaningful impact and are motivated and ready to do something about it...
I invite you to Climb the Right Mountain!
About The Author
I am Tony Martignetti, a leadership coach, entrepreneur, idea generator, people connector, and a curious adventurer. I bring together practical experience, formal training, and extreme curiosity, to elevate leaders and equip them with the tools to navigate through change.
I love helping people find clarity in their lives, so they are energized, fully present, and unstoppable. When leaders unlock their potential and lead from a place of inspired purpose, they impact and inspire everyone around them. I have dedicated myself to helping people live a life of inspired purpose.

“Climbing the Right Mountain: Navigating the Journey to An Inspired Life, is packed with timeless wisdom and an actionable blueprint for living a fulfilling life”

“Are YOU Climbing the Right Mountain?
After having appeared as a guest on his always-engaging and enjoyable Virtual Campfire podcast, I got to know Tony Martignetti a little bit as a person; but now after having read "Climbing the Mountain," I got to know Tony a little bit more as a leader. With my personal area of specialty being visual thinking as applied to the practice of leadership, I appreciated how Tony was able to paint pictures with words as he shares his story and leads us on a journey of personal transformation...using mountain climbing as his central metaphor. And, as he emphasizes throughout, summiting the mountaintop is meaningless if it's the wrong mountain. So as a leadership coach and, now, as an author, Tony is dedicated to helping his clients and his readers to explore and discover the right mountain for them. Unlike many leadership books that could take days or even weeks to complete, at just 63 quick-and-easy-to-read pages, "Climbing the Right Mountain" only takes a couple of hours to consume cover-to-cover...but with Tony as your sherpa, it's a handbook and a guidebook that you will want to carry with you on your career and life journey, and refer back to for inspiration and guidance time and time again.”

“In Climbing the Right Mountain: Navigating the Journey to An Inspired Life, Tony gives you the tools and inspiration to get on the right path and become the leader, you were designed to be.”

“Inspiring, tactical and thought provoking! A great and inspiring read and one I will continue to reference. All effective leadership starts with self leadership and this book gets to the heart of it. I will be recommending the book to my clients, as it is a great read if you want to live a life full of meaning, purpose and impact.”

“Great book for this moment in time! The disruption of Covid-19 forced many to either change careers or re-evaluate what they want to spend their limited life currency on. Tony clearly and succinctly, takes us on a journey to find what lights us up and how to make that transition. If you are "pondering" life and career, this is the book for you.”

“Great read that will inspire you!
This book is an easy read, yet gets to the heart of what it really takes to lead an inspired and fulfilling life. This book is for leaders...and EVERYBODY is a leader because leadership starts with leading yourself. If you've ever wondered "is this all there is?" then this book is for you! This book helps us reflect on what success really is, and how it doesn't matter how much success you have on the outside if you don't feel fulfillment on the inside.”

“Inspiring Concepts In Career Goals And Life!
This book was an easy read with a solid message! I read it and had my two college-age daughters read it as well. I would highly encourage parents to have their young adult children read this book! I think it is so important that young people realize that no two people will have the same path. They need to follow their passion and that will lead them to their success. “When you’re climbing the right mountain, you’re going to face challenges, and those challenges will create growth and capacity for expansion.” This author is inspiring and I could see this as a useful tool in a corporate setting as well.”

“Be an effective leader in your career and your life!
Many leaders feel unfulfilled, chasing the belief that hard work and success will produce fulfillment. It often doesn't, but it leaves people feeling unsure of where to look.
This book provides a simple framework for assessing your life and some steps you can take to find deeper fulfillment and become a more effective leader: in your career and in your personal life.
If you're looking for a quick read packed with ideas, concepts, and tools you can apply right away to improve your leadership and experience more fulfillment, this is it.”

“ Where was this book 25 years ago?!?
I heard a soul-crushing quote many years ago that captures so powerfully the experience that so many of us have had: "There's nothing worse than getting to the top of the ladder only to find you've had it propped against the wrong wall!"
Tony's book provides the deep wisdom that normally comes from a lifetime lived and mistakes made. "Climbing the Right Mountain" is a brilliant way to clear one's path to living an inspired life without having to make as many mistakes as I did in finding my path!
With a story-telling style that is deeply engaging and immediately accessible, Tony invites the reader to create clarity around who they want to be and the impact they want to make on the world ... AND he provides the roadmap for them to answer those epic question.
I only wish he had written this book before I started my journey...”
Interview With The Author
Get to know Tony Martignetti
What Inspired You To Write The Book?
As I worked with so many amazing people, I heard them struggling to create what they really wanted in their lives. So I decided that the best way to serve them was to lay out a map to get them started.
Who Is This Book For?
This book is for leaders at all stages and arenas who currently feel unfulfilled in their lives or careers. They have experienced some level of success in their lives, but they are starting to doubt the path they are on. They might have lost sight of why they do what they do or have lost passion for their work.
What is One Thing You Want People to Take Away From The Book?
The true path to success and fulfillment can only be defined by ourselves, and this book helps you define that path for you and then use the guideposts to travel that path.
Why is Inspiration so Important to You?
Inspiration has the power to fuel people to do extraordinary things. It is also an essential element to transformational leadership, building a great workplace, and navigating change. When I work with clients, I aim to inspire them to take action and embrace change. Their stories, ambitions, and results, in turn, inspire me.
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