Two Beats Ahead: What Musical Minds Teach Us About Innovation by Panos A. Panay and R. Michael Hendrix


If you are looking for a spark of inspiration, check out the book, Two Beats Ahead: What Musical Minds Teach Us About Innovation by Panos A. Panay and R. Michael Hendrix. After reading the book, I knew I had to have them join me on my Virtual Campfire podcast. So we recorded an episode, and I can't wait to release it.

In Two Beats Ahead, Panos and Michael interview some of the nation's top musicians and business leaders about how they approach innovation differently. They speak with Beyonce, Pharrell Williams, Justin Timberlake, T Bone Burnett, Jimmy Iovine, and many more about their approach to innovation. They uncover the power of reinvention from Gloria Estefan and the importance of experimentation from Imogen Heap and Radiohead. The book equips any entrepreneur or innovative thinker with tools they can put into practice to thrive in an evolving world.

One of my favorite insights is from an interview with Brian Eno about his approach to creativity. According to Eno: Gardening is a more apt metaphor (than architecture) for creativity: 'One is carefully constructing seeds, or finding seeds, carefully planting them and then letting them have their life. What this means is a rethinking of one's own position as a creator. You stop thinking of yourself as me, the controller, you the audience, and you start thinking of all of us as the audience, all of us as people enjoying the garden together. Check it out here.


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