

Mushrooms and Your Past

IPC Mushrooms and Your Past

Have you ever looked back at your past and were totally ashamed or embarrassed by who you used to be?

It is interesting, and a bit humbling, how we can look back and realize we had it completely wrong. I just finished reading a fascinating book about fungi and the mycelium network called "The Entangled Life." Growing up, fungi or mushrooms were just these gross little things growing up out of the dirt. However, they operate as a massive network, like an underground nervous system with vast capa…

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What Does Inspired Purpose Mean?


Someone recently asked me, "What does it mean to live and lead with Inspired Purpose?"

Here is what inspired purpose doesn't look like; A 15-year-old begrudgingly cleaning up his room because his parents tell him it's a mess, and he's going to get grounded if he doesn't do it. 

Here's what inspired purpose does look like; A 15-year-old cleaning, vacuuming, and rearranging his room because a girl he has a HUGE crush on is coming over for a study session. 

Can you feel the difference? In the un…

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Join Project Renaissance

The word renaissance carries a sense of excitement, romance, and fulfillment.

Throughout history, times of renaissance in cultures have had a huge and positive influence on humanity, such as the printing press, the telescope, and the blood transfusion. 

These were periods of collective thinking, where artists came together to support, inspire, and raise each other's contributions to the world. Historians look back on these times as incubators for some of history's greatest artistic accomplishm…

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What do you rebel for?

Have you ever noticed how the definitions of some words change over time? A cloud used to be just a visible mass of condensed vapor suspended in the atmosphere. But today, a cloud is also an online storage system on the internet.

A swipe used to be just a swinging movement of a hand or an animal's paw. But today, a swipe is when someone moves their fingers across a digital touchscreen.

And how about the word rebel? 

A rebel used to be someone who refused allegiance, resisted authority, or ros…

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Expand your vision, Narrow your focus


If you're anything like me, then you know the inner ache of feeling stuck in your life.

If you're a leader or emerging leader, then you probably know what it's like not just to feel stuck but unseen in your true potential.

If you have watched my videos or read my articles, you know that I deeply believe in the biotech industry. And yet, corporate cultures can be toxic, which is quite a mixed message for an industry that stands for improving people's lives.

But you have more power here than yo…

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Self-Authored Human


I have been thinking about the concept of what it means to be a self-authored human.

There are two kinds of people: People who are writing their own story and those who are merely reporting on the narrative they have been given.

Think of one person you know who is the author of their own story and another one who is at the effect of their story; it doesn't take much to see that these are two very different lives.

If you have been watching my videos and reading my articles, then you probably k…

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Things from the Past


I want to share with you some things from the past. 

Wall telephones. Dial-up modems. Video rental stores. Phone booths… I bet if we kicked back on the couch for an evening, we could come up with a really long list. 

Here's what's interesting. There was a time when all these things were the very best society could do. They were just a part of life as we knew it and, at the time, pretty much everyone except for the real visionaries thought to themselves… "This is as good as it gets." 

But you …

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Change the System

Having once worked in corporate and eventually becoming a coach. The question I get asked from time to time is, "Why didn't you stick it out in the corporate world and make a change from within?"

There are many paths I could have taken, but I choose to create a new path. Instead of working against the current paradigm, I decided to create what I believe is a healthier, more sustainable paradigm, invite everyone to join me, and let that be my critique of the current system. 

Now that's not for …

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Top of the Mountain


I'm working on my first book right now. It's the story of what "inside out transformation" looks like for the business world. It's for people who feel like something is missing in their lives and are asking themselves... "Shouldn't my life feel more fulfilling than this?" 

I feel passionate about one of the ideas I'm working on that involves the metaphor of a mountain, working hard to get to the top, and realizing that the struggle wasn't worth the cost.

I see this a lot in the business world.…

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Finding Balance

I have been a suit-wearing executive, sitting in conference rooms, overseeing budgets of billions of dollars, and yet if anyone had seen the tattoo I now have on my forearm, it would have changed everything, and no, not for the better.

I have played the game of being a corporate conformist for most of my life. I was always struggling to see where I fit in. And yet, when I stopped trying to fit in, is when I finally felt most alive. That's been the evolution of my journey, going from just wantin…

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