
Work Life

From Reactivity to Creativity


How do you go from reactivity to creativity?

It’s a challenging world these days, and things are coming at us from every direction. But those who can consistently turn reactivity into creativity are always the ones who are most capable of navigating the shifting winds on the ocean of success.

When we encounter a challenge that appears to be an “impossible situation,” our internal process responds by falling into an unresourceful state. However, when we stay open to new possibilities, our inter…

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7-year-old Painter


When I was 7-years-old, I became fascinated by painting wildly imaginative and detailed images. I aimed to create rooms that evoked different emotional states for people who entered them.

I have always had a sense that we could create an environment for ourselves to thrive. I am still that same kid with that same fascination. It's just more refined today.

A client of mine who is a senior finance leader never thought he could get to the CFO level, but by shifting his inner and outer environment…

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Expectations vs. Reality


Have you ever had a delicious scoop of ice cream fall right off your cone and just go splat on the ground?

Man, that never ceases to be a truly disappointing life moment in its purest form.

You had an expectation of the pleasurable direction things were going, and then all of a sudden, it completely flopped on you.

As a kid, that’s one of those classic initiations when we come to the harsh realization that reality will not always match our expectations.

As adults, we deal with more complex v…

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From Resign to Re-Align


Let's Shift From Resign to Re-Align

Over the past few months, many people have asked me what my thoughts are about the Great Resignation. I have many viewpoints on this growing trend, and I have gathered a lot of insights from leaders, professionals in transition, and thought partners I have talked to recently. With people leaving their jobs in record numbers, the impact of this trend will have a long-term effect on everyone, so it is no surprise that this topic is on everyone's minds.

The pan…

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The Eightfold Path: The Way of the Buddhist Leader


I have always been intrigued by the art, the stories, and the teaching of Buddhism, but my understanding of the Buddha's teachings took on new meaning when I became a coach. As I started to open myself up to the ideas of enlightenment, I immersed myself in reading books by Pema Chodron, Matthieu Ricard, Thich Nhat Hanh, and the Dalai Lama. I even committed to spending a month in India tracing the historic steps of Buddha in Sarnath and Varanasi.

Sarnath was the place where Siddhartha Gautama, B…

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Seen and Heard


Have you noticed that no matter how proficient we are in our work, the basic human need to be seen and heard still runs our lives?

If you're inside of a corporation, you may wonder, "Why don't people listen to me? Why am I not recognized or promoted for what I do?"

If you're an entrepreneur and you're putting yourself out onto social media, it can feel like putting your energy out into a void and never having it come back to you, and you are wondering, "Is anyone receiving what I'm putting out…

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Power of Purpose


People often talk about how important it is to find your purpose, but what does it mean to have your purpose find you?

Let’s imagine for a moment that “purpose” has its own life force, just as the life force of a grapevine allows it to grow to 115 feet long and 80 feet high.

I have a different way of looking at purpose because I believe your purpose already exists, and just like a grapevine, it wants to expand and blossom into its full potential.

We can offer the structure for it to grow. We …

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There Are Hidden Patterns In Everything. Are You Ready To See Them?


"One of the pleasures of looking at the world through mathematical eyes is that you can see certain patterns that would otherwise be hidden." – Steven Strogatz

I have got something radical to share with you. Most people don't make choices. Instead, they just follow the patterns and habits that have allowed them to survive and get by. That's what brought them to their current level of success, and at some point, that pattern will lose its effectiveness. This means, to get to the next level, a wh…

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Change Your Lens, Change Your Future!


"The key to transforming anything lies in our ability to reframe it" - Marianne Williamson

Have you ever felt stuck or paralyzed in indecision? I know I have! Well, not to worry, there is always a way. Here’s a quick tip to get you thinking about how to create what I call a beautiful reframe in your life.

Change your lens, change your future!

As a coach, I often guide people to reframe how they look at a problem or at their current situation when they feel stuck. When you feel stu…

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Are You Committed to Something Bigger than Yourself?


"A single individual driven by a purpose can change the world." – Peter Diamandis

Do you ever think about how you contribute to the world at large? You may be thinking I am only one person; what I do makes no difference in the larger scheme of thingsHow wrong you can be!

If you take a step back from the day-to-day activities of your life and you look at what you do in the context of the big picture, you can start to see something incredible. Your contribution (no matter how small) makes an i…

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