

Mastering Midlife: Defining Your Own Fulfillment

Defining Your Own Fulfillment

Mastering Midlife: Defining Your Own Fulfillment

Today on Mastering Midlife:

  • How Tony connected with his inner self.
  • Tony's academic path and his fascination with how the human body moves.
  • What inspired Tony to become a coach.
  • How Tony helps his clients define self-fulfillment.
  • Why do many people have trouble defining fulfillment?
  • Tony's definition of fulfillment.
  • How fulfillment can be a losing game.
  • How Tony finally realized what fulfilled him and his addiction to "doing."
  • Tony…

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Universal Dance


Have you ever noticed how easy it is to overlook something extraordinary?

The heat of the sun travels 93 million miles through cold space, and there are still summer days when I say, "Man, it's hot out." I possess a device that gives me access to all the knowledge in the world in my pocket. And yet, we use it to "like" funny pictures of dogs and cats. Plus, the internet on airplanes or even the internet to begin with! Seriously!

Something that can be extraordinary to me but is often overlooked…

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Signal to Noise


We are born into a noisy and chaotic world, and most of us then go on to spend our lives lost inside all that noise and chaos.

But there are a few of us who somehow find a way back to silence and peace. These people tend to have the inner clarity that they can create anything they want in the world. You can recognize them because they are the rare breed that can put out a message that impacts you. You've probably experienced it before, yourself.

It's like everything goes silent, and all of a s…

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Do the Opposite


Would you like to know what to do when you feel stuck?

Many people will metaphorically keep tugging on the knot or kicking the dead horse because they simply don't know what else to do. But the solution is simple. So simple that most of us miss it.

It's all about doing the opposite.

There was a classic episode of Seinfeld that spoke to this in a way the entire world could understand.

In the episode, George Costanza decides that after a lifetime of every choice he made being wrong, that movin…

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Be Disruptive


Have you ever been told as a kid not to be disruptive? It's kind of ingrained in society that it's a bad thing. But I love being disruptive in a good way.

It means thinking differently like the companies that come into an industry and completely change the game. Everyone is going to the left, but this company says, "Well, we went to the right and look at what we can produce when we do."

Disruptive thinking is what visionaries do. They see something that others don't, and because of that, they …

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What's Sparking Me Up: Audrey


Watching: I recently watched the Audrey Hepburn documentary titled "Audrey" (2020). I have always been inspired by the classic beauty, style, and adventurous spirit Audrey brought to the silver screen. After watching this documentary, I now have an even deeper appreciation for the humanitarian and emotional impact she had on so many people with her love and presence.

Malnourished as a child, abandoned by her father, and growing up under Nazi occupation in Holland, Hepburn faced a life-long bat…

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Smashing the Plateau: Becoming Inspired in Your Work and Life


Smashing the Plateau: Becoming Inspired in Your Work and Life

Tony Martignetti is a leadership development expert, entrepreneur, idea generator, and people connector. He brings together practical experience, formal training, and extreme curiosity, to elevate leaders and equip them with the tools to navigate through change and unlock their true potential.

We discuss:

  • Leave the room to change the room [02:04]
  • The magic world of art, business, and science brought together [05:02]
  • All about m…

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The Gap or the Gain


Does the distance between where you are and where you want to be discourage you? There is a brilliant concept from the author Dan Sullivan called the Gap and the Gain that helps reframe your perspective. Gap thinking is when we focus on the distance between us and our goal. With this mindset, we often compare ourselves against what others have achieved. There’s no way to be happy from this perspective because even if we’re highly successful, we’ll always feel like we’re lagging behind. The good …

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Time-Traveling Cultural Anthropologist


If you suddenly had the ability to travel through time, what would you do? Would you go back and avoid that one particular bad relationship? Would you buy stock in Zoom or stop wearing those neon jam shorts from the 80’s a lot sooner?

The concept of time travel is an endless human fascination. If it weren’t, then movies like Back To The Future or books like HG Wells Time Machine wouldn’t be known as classics. If I could combine two of my favorite fascinations, I would become a time-traveling, c…

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School Of Purpose: Creating Purpose with Leadership

school of purpose copy

School Of Purpose: Creating Purpose with Leadership

How does purpose play into leadership? What does it mean to be a purposeful leader?

Tony Martignetti is a former business executive who now coaches leaders in finding purpose in their own lives and leading others with purpose. He's written a book and has his own podcast. He uses his experience and wisdom to be a "chief inspiration officer" for others. He makes clear that purpose isn't just for us. We use it to make other people's lives better…

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