

Do you consider yourself to be adaptable?


Do you consider yourself to be adaptable? Whatever you think of yourself as a human, you are officially the most adaptable creature on the planet. 3.5 billion years of evolution has apparently paid off!

But our ability to be adaptable comes with some pros and cons.

If you look at the 22 million people living in New Delhi, the most polluted city in the world, you’ll quickly see that these people have adapted to toxic air and water, with garbage everywhere. 

What’s impressive is that it shows h…

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Create Your Manifesto

IPC Inspired Leader Manifesto

Would you like to know one of the fastest ways to create what you want? It is really simple, and it is all based on the power of your own words. Most people don’t realize how much their words create reality. Even the classic magician’s saying, “Abracadabra,” which is originally ancient Aramaic and is actually pronounced “Abrah-hadrabrah,” really means... “As I speak, so I create.”

Well, that’s how a Manifesto works. In fact, I’ve been using a manifesto for the last few months, and it’s been a g…

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Inspiration and Soul’s Purpose


Have you ever thought you knew exactly what you wanted, only to realize later it wasn't what you wanted at all? The watched the animated Disney movie "Soul," and it's kind of all about that... but it's from the perspective of what our soul already knows and is trying to help us find in our lives.

Inspiration is a big part of my work. I have walked away from prestigious, lucrative jobs in my life because the inspiration wasn't there, and I just had to trust that it wasn't my path. And as Robert …

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Focus on ROI, Return on Inspiration!


As some of you might know, I used to spend most of my days with my head buried in financial reports and  spreadsheets. I created financial models and valuations for new initiatives so often that I started to see  them in my dreams or possibly nightmares at times. 

One of the common financial metrics I used to calculate was the return on investment (ROI). For those  not in the know, this is a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or  compare the efficiency of a num…

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Culture Design Show with Steve Chaparro

Culture Design Show

Culture Design Show with Steve Chaparro: Empowering Leaders Through the Culture


Tony Martignetti believes that when leaders unlock their potential and lead from a place of inspired purpose, they impact and inspire everyone around them. He shares how he left the corporate world because there were leaders who had titles but were not acting as leaders. Tony Martignetti shares his epiphany when he “decided to leave the room to change the room.” 

In this episode, Tony Martignetti shares how that…

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Shed The Formality Podcast: Climbing the Right Mountain


Shed The Formality Podcast: Climbing the Right Mountain

Climbing the right [career] mountain and finding your inspired purpose are the themes of this episode of Shed The Formality with guest Tony Martignetti.

Meet Tony Martignetti, Leadership Coach

Tony Martignetti is a leadership coach, entrepreneur, idea generator, and people connector. He brings together practical experience, formal training, and extreme curiosity, to elevate leaders and equip them with the tools to navigate through change…

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What does it mean to be a pioneer?

What does it mean to be a pioneer?

I talk to a lot of people about getting out of their comfort zones and pushing their boundaries. These are key elements of unlocking potential. I want to take this a few steps further to think about the idea of being a pioneer. Those who boldly go where no one has gone before. I see this a lot in the biotech leaders I work with. They are at the forefront of pushing the boundaries of what we thought was scientifically possible and changing lives in the process.…

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Is It Time For An Upgrade to Your Human Operating System (HOS)?

You have heard it before, and I am sure you have said it yourself: "I am so busy. I have way too much I need to do! When I hear this statement (and say it myself), the word that really triggers me is "Do." We constantly feel like we need to be in action; we need to be doing something to make progress. Rest is for the weak; I will sleep when I am dead. Well, here is your wake-up call! We are Human-Beings, not Human-Doings!

As I have been writing my book, I have been thinking a lot about how we n…

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Journey to Peru


Have you ever had the experience of fulfilling a lifelong dream? 

I recently checked a big one off my bucket list, and as expected, it was even more profound than I could imagine. After almost 24 hours of travel, I arrived at my destination in Cusco, Peru.

I wanted to know the people, the culture, the land, and the spirit of the place, but most of all, something about Peru's energy had always called to me, and I had to experience it for myself. One of the many highlights was when we woke up at…

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Your Environment Shapes You


Did you know that your environment shapes you? There is really no way around it. Our human system is designed to survive (all the way down to our DNA), based on responding to its environment. So, while our home environment shaped us when we were kids, our work environment shapes us as adults. What’s interesting is that when I was very young, I somehow knew this. At around six years old, I started painting. But not dogs or cats or my parents like most kids did. I used my paintbrushes to create ro…

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